Yosemite Home Decor Sica24812 City Scape Canvas Wall Art 632X432X41

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Media Platforms Design Team

Another couple might have given up, simply not Craig and Linda Fiebig. Afterward a botched remodel left their Seattle home well-nigh uninhabitable, the intrepid duo decided to build a new business firm on the same property.

"If I hadn't had three kids at the time, I would take called a loft downtown," says Linda, now a stay-at-home mother of four. With that urban archetype in mind, the Fiebigs asked the noted firm Vandeventer + Carlander Architects to design a colorful contemporary firm that could adjust the couple's burgeoning art drove and the demands of a growing family.

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Media Platforms Pattern Squad

Perched on a rambling corner lot just minutes from downtown, the new dwelling house consists of two parallel boxes linked past a narrow atrium. Support functions such as the kitchen, laundry, stairs and bathrooms are wrapped in ruddy Cor-X steel, while living spaces reside inside a cedar block fix atop a drinking glass plinth. "Nosotros used different materials to code the public and private spaces and to encounter Linda'due south desire for color and diverseness," says blueprint principal Tim Carlander, who collaborated on the projection with his house's managing partner, Bill Vandeventer, and SBI Construction.

The habitation'south artistic aspirations are axiomatic from the entry, where storefront windows frame a compelling canvas past Chinese American creative person Hung Liu. To the left sits Linda'southward office, an ocher command center with expansive glass doors. Steel stairs on the reverse side of the entry lead to the atrium, which divides the house into public and individual realms. "This house is laid out very functionally," Linda says. "In that location's no wasted space."

Steel armatures frame the living area and support the second floor, freeing the surrounding drape wall to embrace the sylvan setting (the landscape architect was Portland's Samuel Williamson). Drinking glass doors open onto a pair of terraces and the lawn beyond, inviting an easy indoor-outdoor menses that's platonic for parties. Since Linda doesn't like having company in the kitchen when she entertains, the architects shunted the room to the side and chose a narrow galley layout, so there's nowhere for guests to linger.

Linda kept her color cravings in check when information technology came time to decorate. "I really had to fight my impulses, because I didn't want to steal the thunder from the compages or the art," she says. The living room (furnished by Michael J. Skelton of MJS Interiors in Los Angeles) is divided into two seating areas, each of which is anchored by a ruddy Tai Ping carpeting. A red zebra-patterned Chris Lehrecke daybed from Ralph Pucci serves both groupings, its color repeated in the dining chairs. Past limiting the accents to a single hue, Skelton was able to satisfy the owner's desire for color without upstaging the surroundings.

Artwork adorns every wall, making the pieces more than approachable but also more vulnerable to the exploits of the family's youngsters: Alec, 17, Tommy, 13, Ingrid, 11, and Rhys, 5. "There'southward going to exist a certain charge per unit of compunction, and you just deal with information technology," shrugs Craig, an IT marketing manager. "The 2 of u.s. have damaged more art than the kids have," Linda confesses.

Click here to see the gallery for "The Artful Abode".

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Media Platforms Design Squad

Linda, a Midwesterner by birth, asked for enough of lite to gainsay Seattle'due south frequently gloomy weather. The architects obliged, lining the atrium's walls and ceiling with a most unbroken band of windows. Even the atrium flooring is glass, so light tin can illuminate the basement during the solar day.

Glass bridges span the void above, linking the staircase to the colorful, treetop-hugging bedrooms. (Deena Rauen supervised the upstairs decor.) Although they have to cantankerous a bridge to get to the master bath, Linda and Craig don't seem to mind. "My married man gets up at 5 in the morning, so while he's getting ready, I can still be over in the bedroom sleeping," Linda says.

Owing to a variety of unforeseen circumstances, the house took six years from concept to completion. During that time, the Fiebigs lived in a succession of rental houses and dispersed their art to friends. (Attending a political party one evening, Craig raved nearly one of his host's paintings, only to be reminded that the piece was his.) When they were finally reunited with their art, Linda was overcome. "It was like a kid coming home from college," she says.

All those years of planning paid off, though. Calorie-free and greenery greet the Fiebigs at every turn, enshrining family and art in a setting that is worthy of both. "The house suits our lifestyle to a tee," Linda says. "People often ask u.s.a. what nosotros would alter. We're nevertheless hard-pressed to come up with an answer."

What the Pros Know

The living room fireplace and Linda's role look equally though they're covered in Venetian plaster, merely the fabric is really Milestone, a hybridized Portland cement developed in the 1980s by Seattle craftsman Don Miles. Milestone contains an acrylic binder, making it h2o resistant and nearly impervious to cracking and fading. The cloth adheres to almost whatever surface, and then it's ideal for walls, floors, countertops and showers, and it accepts the aforementioned universal tints used at paint stores, significant that colour choices are infinite. The cost depends on the project but is comparable to quality tile or rock. Milestone tin be purchased only from Artisan Finishes in Seattle (ArtisanFinishes.com), but company president Don Latimer is happy to assistance homeowners locate qualified installers in their area or to provide education to experienced do-information technology-yourselfers. "It's a fairly forgiving medium," Latimer says. "If you have a failure, information technology'll exist artistic, not structural."

Click here to encounter the gallery for "The Artful Dwelling".

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Source: https://www.elledecor.com/design-decorate/house-interiors/a3971/the-artful-home-a-61239/

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